Could The World Reach A 100 Percent Renewable Energy Goal | The Earth - Our Planet | EcoPages

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Could The World Reach A 100 Percent Renewable Energy Goal

Could the world reach a 100 % renewable energy target in less than 20 years? New research reveals some facts regarding this milestone that gives a firm hope and strengthen our initiatives,thinking in this field.  
A report published in the journal Energy Policy claims that by 2030, we can achieve 100 % renewable energy if the proper measures are taken.
What exactly are these measures? According to PhysOrg, over 80 percent of our world's energy supply currently comes from fossil fuels. We would need to build approximately four million wind turbines, nearly 2 billion solar photovoltaic systems, and about 90,000 solar power plants. The 5 MW wind turbines needed are up to three times the capacity of most of our current wind turbines. Possible? Perhaps.

solar wind renewable energy

Germany and China have both already built 5 MW offshore turbines. A few dozen utility-scale solar plants already exist. Plus, the researchers believe that all of the major necessary resources are available - the only "material bottleneck" lies in obtaining rare earth materials, supplies which could be increased with more mining or recycling.
Human beings are probably the biggest blockade in achieving a renewable energy goal.
What do you think? Can the world achieve 100 percent renewable energy by 2030?
Look at the some facts regarding solar and wind power energy..
1.The unit cost of wind and solar are coming down.the time to transition is NOW before PEAK OIL raises the cost of oil and damages the world economy. Rising demand for oil from China and India will soon exceed the world supply raising the price of oil for all.We saw what $147/barre­l oil did to the economy in 2008, and exceeding day by day.

2. Is this a joke right? The authors of the study list the following needed investment­s for this to happen:
3,800,000  5 MW wind turbines,
49,000  300 MW concentrat­ed solar plants
40,000  300 MW solar PV power plants,
1.7 billion  3 kW rooftop PV systems,
5350 100 MW geothermal power plants,
270 new  1300 MW hydroelect­ric power plants,
720,000  0.75 MW wave devices, and
490,000  1 MW tidal turbines
This cost of the first 3 items on the list is a cool $159 Trillion dollars compared to world GDP of $67 Trillion in 2007.


Manoj on May 28, 2011 at 4:40 PM said...

If we follow If any, could be, can be,........ policy its impossible for us to achieve any goal.

Erika Price on June 1, 2011 at 5:46 PM said...

Interesting article - doubtful that we'll achieve the goal though :)

Our Planet on June 3, 2011 at 7:58 AM said...

i realise it in this way that it take time for a system to establish as happened in case of even fossil fuel(from its extraction to its distribution) to become so popular & even very handy. so does this renewable system.

So be positive,its an issue of the survival of the planet and species & we know it is crucial though it will take time but, is achievable.
Thanks all of you for your precious comments.

Anonymous said...

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