Does Your City Belong To C40 Cities..? | The Earth - Our Planet | EcoPages

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Does Your City Belong To C40 Cities..?

Take action for climate and environment

The very first question that simply comes in your mind, at this point is, what this C40 cities meant for..?  Yeah … right. You heard it correctly. Let me introduce you these C40 cities and also to introduce you how web technologies (Web 2.0, HTML5 apps, CSS and designing) and social media are now ready for combating to climate change and to lead us for sustainable Environment. It’s technology’s role in sustainable development?

“C40 is a network of the world’s megacities taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With a unique set of assets, the C40 works with participating cities to address climate risks and impacts locally and globally.” ~

It’s a climate leadership group for fighting against the climate change and global warming in collaboration with every city across the globe with its resource assets and potential. It inspires to take action in every possible way for sustainable growth at the broad and individual level as well.  
Irrespective of where does it has been formed or who are backing this it’s for planet, it’s for climate. When it comes to creating big solutions for a sustainable future, cities are at the forefront of innovation. C40 is a network of the world’s megacities, a new online platform which aims to be at the forefront of discussions on green urban innovation. The new site highlights the actions taken by 58 of the world’s largest cities that are C40 members.

your contribution for Earth/Nature

Do you find yours one in the list?  It’s time for action for everyone to help in making of  your city or town cleaner, greener, sustainable and environment friendly, then it’ll come in every such group on earth automatically. But if you need to accomplish the goal one definitely need collaborations and technology that’s what for C40 is.

C40 is using technology to tell the story of cities in a dynamic way and want to make mission consumable to the public. As cities are center of activities, industries, cultures and innovation so does has greater potential to come up with great solutions for environment degradation and can take actions efficiently. You can view it here the potential of a city.

Part of the new is a user-initiated scrolling infographic, built on HTML5. The site hopes to engage leaders by having them read about other cities’ programs and host conversations about cities’ roles in preventing climate change. Features include testimonials from some 4,700 completed initiatives, while another 1,500 are under way.

Does your city do anything to stop the onset of climate change?  Let us know in the comments if you’ve seen any great examples of urban leaders in sustainable development.

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