Eco-Friendly, Nature’s Guard Summit: Only Discussion or Action | The Earth - Our Planet | EcoPages

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Eco-Friendly, Nature’s Guard Summit: Only Discussion or Action

Sustainable Earth

June 20, is the day when world’s most eco-friendly heads and other bodies is going to start a summit named as Rio+20 Earth summit which is taking place after 20 years since 1992 and will continue till 22nd June.  Nearly 190 countries are meeting in Rio de Janeiro from June 20 to 22 for the Rio+20 Earth Summit. Among the attendees would be the heads of state and government of most countries including India, which will be represented by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. From neighborhood Pakistan is also sending a delegate and most importantly the one Headed by a youth. The level of attendance amply highlights the importance and significance of this gathering. 

Most of the times in such a high profile assemblies, various issues related to the environment have been highlighted and discussed but the real impact of their conclusions are very hard to see on base. This time another gathering is going to start– especially on an issue like environment that figures low on priority list of governments in this age of growth, development as well as economic slowdown with participants agreeing to goals that do not fully address the actual challenges. Worse, most countries remain miles away from achieving even their watered down commitments on environment, even as the clock on climate change and damage continues to tick. 

With huge number of participants in Rio+20 Summit that also includes environment scholars, working bodies, NGOs and many other involved and caring bodies along with state heads, are suppose to highlight and draw the head’s attention over the rapid damage of entire eco-system due to this Un-Eco-Friendly economic practices. It’s time to raise hue and cry, from every corner of the globe for Eco damage control which is a responsibility on part of every citizen of the planet Earth.

Though ‘Sustainable Development’ is the agenda of the Rio+20 Summit, the focus in Brazil would be on how to turn economies ‘Green’ – development with care for the environment. The term ‘Green Economy’ is ambitious; hence it is quite difficult to achieve it for various reasons – growth has to be compromised, high costs to be incurred, and most importantly, there is possibility of falling behind in the economic race with others who have little respect for the nature and its resources moving ahead fast.

Who is Responsible More For This All You or Me:

The developed world, as always, wants the developing world to contribute equally to achieve any environment-related goals. The developing world, on the other hand, seeks concession as it has yet to alleviate poverty, provide basic healthcare to all, develop its industries and agriculture etc.  Then who should take more corrective measures? … Deadlock!

Only one thing I would like to remind that the impacts & consequences of these natural damages don’t holds geographic maps and neither identifies any of yours latitude and longitudes even to differentiate as a developed or underdeveloped or developing one so act accordingly. At this critical stage, it is important to understand how crucial it is to turn green and have development that is sustainable. 

The Indian Scenario

Looking locally at the issue, lifeline river Yamuna  and Ganga – the ‘holiest’  rivers and a lifeline of millions of Indians – is on the verge of death. In fact, rivers are dying not because of drying up Himalayas, but pollution that humans cause. The biggest sin that the humans commit is polluting these rivers.

Our cities have been growing at a rapid pace. But is this advancement sustainable? Not many believe so. The level of pollution is ever increasing, and laudable measures like making CNG (compressed natural gas) mandatory for public transport in only some cities. Population is one of the main factors, but the failure to put in place an efficient public transport system that has led to an alarming increase in ownership of cars is more to blame. Singapore is one example where ownership of cars has been effectively curbed by providing an efficient, dependable public transport system. 

The governments also need to provide ‘green’ alternatives. The best bet would be to promote hybrid/electric cars, but nothing substantial has been done in Indian cities to put in place a system that ensures a ‘green drive’. Exploitation of groundwater resources, something highlighted by a NASA survey – that the worst groundwater exploitation in the world is happening in North India. 

Most Indian metros has a desperate need of proper system of garbage/waste collection and disposal, ban poly bags, but the implementation of the measure has not been up to the mark. 
It is important for local governments to implement measures that give a way for ‘green’ progress, ‘green’ living standards, ‘green’ actions of the citizenry. 

So whats your take on this year's Rio+20 summit? convey your view and message in comments below.



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