First Decade's Accords and New Green Technologies. | The Earth - Our Planet | EcoPages

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First Decade's Accords and New Green Technologies.

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We have come across through a long journey of  evolution of human civilization and industrial developments and in  between have encountered numerous changes in the way we live and the way in which surrounding behaves.All is very well know fact who and what is responsible for all and that is what the entire world community is trying to fix it through out the last one decade more extensively.With advanced technologies the world has made remarkable progress but this want of rapid growth and blind use of technology has also shown us the other aspect of the coin.Now its time to fix it.
Most important initiatives taken  in the first decade of 21st century are Copenhagen and Cancun accords in which it has been agreed that:-

  • Climate change is one of the greatest problem of our time.
  • A strong cuts in global emissions are required according to science and recommendation of IPCC. 
  • Adverse effect of climate change and its potential impacts are the challenges likely to be faced by all countries.
  • Very important to cut emissions from deforestation and degradation of forest and need to enhance the removal of green house gasses from forest.
  • Establishment of  Green Climate Fund.

These accords are expected to be implemented by 2015 including the convention's ultimate objective related to the rise of temperature up to 1.5 degree celsius.This is what our leaders are planning , which is only to checked by what extent they would be able to implement it within the declared time limit.
Now its our chance to play our roles in its amelioration right.So just start with some new and very exciting green technologies, that are light but can play very vital role as far as concerned to the nature and environment.These technologies are simple and economical to use in our day to day life and can make a huge difference.
 So our first topic in which we look  "how green we can be"  is our place of residence i.e. our "Sweet home"
Green building(green construction or sustainable buildings) are structure which are environment friendly and resource efficient. some beautiful green homes-:

                                                                       " Green home 1"

                                                                  "Green Home 2"

                                                                         "Green home 3"

                                                                        "Green Home 4

                                                                    "Green Home 5"

                                                                          "Hope So"

some more thing we will discuss in our next post.
Green Homes: New Ideas for Sustainable Living

For Further Reading »


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