Energy, one of the essential entities required to run a small household, somewhere in far countryside to the big industries in industrial corridors of metro cities, is backbone of world’s economic growth and business sustainability. Expansion of the economies and emerging markets across the globe, have led to an unprecedented demand of energy coming from brutal devastation of natural resources. which is being main accused of the changing environmental scenarios, made us to look for some alternatives to meet the energy demands, i.e. something from renewable sources like solar, hydro and wind energy sources and many countries has already achieved remarkable feats in this regard.
With the advent of solar power and proof of its feasibility, various new prospects of green & sustainable business models in energy domain has already emerged in many countries including India. Indian households to industries which have been receiving energy supply primarily from thermal or nuclear energy plants, now have solar energy option too. Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission(NSM), launched in 2010 has not only opened the way for solar energy entrepreneurs to come up but also reflected the vision & mission of the government for its solar program by setting up a target of 22000MW solar power generation by 2022. India has renewable energy sources accounting for 28000MW as of now.
Learning from exceptional solar power growth in Germany, which accounts for more than 37000MW from sun rays & china’s rapid solar energy installations projects, Indian states are doing a fair job in solar field and NSM is giving a boost to their plans. The commencement of India’s largest solar plant in M.P with 137MW and many more solar projects in pipelining is a good trend to meet the ever since growing demand of power.
Gujrat being the first state, to take lead in solar power setup ,much before the launch of national solar mission, has also achieved remarkable feat with total 800 MW setup across the state as of now, which includes PV cells over canal of length more than 1 Km and solar plants on ground. More and more states are joining the row with the time and at the same time opening the new avenues for innovative entrepreneurs to extend their helping hands to meet the power requirements of at least households, to light up the street lamps, for agri works and for lighting the local markets.

Encouraging move by states has helped in developing a new entrepreneurial eco-system across the country which is continuously helping in establishment of centralized solar power grids, off-grids and solar powered home systems. These solutions are not only affordable to a vast fraction of power deprived population but also are more eco-friendly & clean. New startups like Kiran Energy, Naturaltech, Mera Gao Power, Azure Power, Lumos , Sunkalp Energy, LEDPrince and many more are playing a vital role in achieving the goal set by national solar mission and also establishing their entrepreneurial roots too.
This is an overview of growing solar power web in India , which I think is very important for a nation with such a huge head count to meet its power demand and also for reducing its dependency upon coal, gas and oil based energy. The move is much in favour of our planet and eco-system and is encouraging for other developing & developed nations to adopt it aggressively. We'll discuss more about the India's solar power regime in coming posts too. I'll love to hear your thought over this story in comments.
"I’d put my money on the Sun and Solar Energy, what a source of Power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out, before we tackle that." -Thomas Edison